Thursday, November 25, 2010

Growing Glorious Roses

I went the botanic gardens the other day (I love walking around old rose gardens) and it reminded me of how many articles about roses there are in the old girls' annuals I collect  (including June Book, which the above picture is from). I think that says a lot about the times - there are interviews with celebrities and fashion tips, but also craft projects and articles about rose growing. I wish that modern magazines aimed at young girls had things like that, but can you imagine what a 10 year old now would think about growing their own herb garden?! Another thing about old annuals is that they had no ads. Imagine that! Turning a page without having air-brushed consumerism being shoved in your face! I really think we've lost a lot of values in recent times, and I find it quite saddening. Anyway, below is the  outfit I wore around the gardens (under the scarf are my pincurls which were setting for that evening), and also some of the old rose articles - including one about cactus growing!


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