Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Retro Fever

So ... I should be studying up for my learner drivers test right now, but I keep getting distracted by looking at retro car ads.

Aren't they simply fabulous! Not only for the beautiful cars,  but also because of how much they show about the era they are from. I think the way advertising style changes is just fascinating. It's not often now that you see a car advertised as 'fun' or 'playful', it's all sleek, silver, futuristic in a technological-robot kind of a way, and more-complex-than-a-batmobile with airbags so big that they'll suffocate you (but the car will be fine, due to all it's fancy anti-crash safety features). What we supposedly look for in a car and what is important to a majority of consumers has changed so much since the swinging sixties, and other bygone eras. Personally, I find an advertisement that has been hand drawn a whole lot more appealing than a high definition photograph that practically shines. 

Image credit- mainly form here and here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Overnight Bag

Blouse, Scarf, and Skirt all thrifted. The bag is second hand too, one of the many from my airline bag collection, and is the perfect size for overnight stays or short trips away.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Childrens Knitwear

This is a whole bunch of pictures from old childrens knitting patterns which I am currently taking winter inspiration from (I know it's not winter yet, and it's not that I don't love summer, but I'm so ready for a new season - muggy days and sunburn are definitely starting to lose their appeal.). So, in anticipation of getting to snuggle up in my woollens again and not melt everytime I move away from a fan, here are some adorable outfits that, if they weren't in child sizes and I could knit, would certainly be in my closet.

It's a knitted tie!!
This one isn't from a pattern, it's my Gran and my Great Aunt. They had the most amazing matching home-made clothes when they were younger, I would have put up more but this was the only one I could find of their woollens that wasn't on a slide.

Woollen romper for the beach? check.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pin Up Dresses

I was sent the link to this website (thank-you Sara!) and have spent the evening perusing all the lovely dresses. These are some of my favourites:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Florence and the Machine

Florence Welch IS AMAZING. 

I saw her at the Auckland Laneway festival and it was the best gig I have ever been to. EVER. We were right up the front, SO CLOSE. I think I'm still in awe a bit and it's been what, two days since I saw her?Her voice is SO STUNNING (I apologise for the excessive use of capitals )and she has so much energy and intensity onstage, and her dancing is incredibly graceful.I love her hair (especially when it has the light behind it) and her style, when she was here she brought a vintage dress from the peachy keen (mentioned in my last post) store in Real Groovy. I have especially been wanting a dress like the ones in her Rabbit Heart video (which also remind me of the dresses in the virgin suicides) all summer, and I possibly found a vintage store that has some yesterday?! I'm going back tomorrow so fingers crossed.